Principal's Message
Laurier Heights 2025 Open House - This event has passed, please email or call the school 780 483-5352 with questions. .
Remember that on March 19th, registration and pre-enrolment will close.
For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Laurier Heights is full in planned classes in Kindergarten, Grades 5 and 6 in the regular program AND Kindergarten, Grades 2 and 6 in the French immersion program. We will no longer accept enrolment requests for Kindergarten, Grades 2 and 6 in the French immersion program. For the regular program, a Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. For Grades 5 and 6. we will only accept resident students whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.
New Student Registration
If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
The Laurier Heights School community is a vibrant collection of students, families, staff, and community partners. We offer a thriving kindergarten to grade nine French Immersion (FIM) language program, an excellent kindergarten to grade nine regular program, and an alternative program called Extensions that supports children with advanced intellectual abilities.
We are supported by a school division whose vision is enhancing pathways for student success. Our school division's mission is to provide high-quality public education that serves the community and empowers each student to live a life of dignity, fulfillment, empathy, and possibility. At Laurier Heights, we are dedicated to making this mission a reality and achieving our vision.
The staff of Laurier Heights School are committed to high-quality education. Our goal is to provide the best possible learning environment with varied learning opportunities to meet the needs of the whole child and to ensure that every child succeeds. Together, we strive to achieve academic, artistic, and athletic excellence while also recognizing that our relationships with one another enable our success.
Parent engagement and community involvement are critical to our ongoing growth and success. Families and community partners are always welcomed in our school and are essential in enhancing our students' K-9 school experience. Our families help coach school sports teams, participate in events, and volunteer as readers. We could not do this work without the active support of our families and community members.
This school year, we will continue to achieve excellent results while also improving on:
- Oral French language development for students in FIM,
- A positive math mindset for all students,
- Celebrating diverse cultural events acknowledging our heritage, and
- Creating safe and kind classrooms where every child feels cared for and supported.
Our work and passion are for our children, and I encourage you to join us this year on our educational journey.
Steven Greene, B.Ed., MBA
Laurier Heights School
780 483-5352 |