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Extra Information English K-9 Program

Be Safe! Be Kind! and Do Your Best in the Laurier Heights K-9 English Program.

We are accepting students in all grades of K-9 English. 

We are a community school that is striving to achieve excellence for every child. While we embrace and aim to build a community spirit, you do not need to live in the Laurier Heights Community to attend this school. There is space in all grades of our K-9 English program for the 2025-26 school year, and we will accept students from across the city. 

The Laurier Heights Community supports amazing opportunities for all students in both the French and English programs. Even our English students get all of the opportunities that are offered through the French Program such as the grade 9 trip to Quebec and Cabane a sucre.  When your child is in the English Program, they get many of the extra benefits of the alternative French program because we are building a community where all of us belong. 

At Laurier Heights School, we build a rigorous, but also caring and compassionate, exceptional school experience where all students can be safe, be kind and do their best.