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For the 2024-2025 school year, Laurier Heights School is full in planned classes: Kindergarten French Immersion. We will no longer accept enrolment request for this grade level and program.

For the 2023 - 2024 school year, Laurier Heights School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten AM French, Grades 1, 5 and 6 in the French immersion program. We will no longer accept enrolment requests for these grade levels in this program.

If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.


You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to tell us the school you’d like your child to attend next year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens on February 1. If you have questions about registering for school, contact the school office.





Extra Information English K-9 Program

Be Safe! Be Kind! and Do Your Best in the Laurier Heights K-9 English Program.

We are accepting students in all grades of K-9 English. 

We are a community school that is striving to achieve excellence for every child. While we embrace and aim to build a community spirit, you do not need to live in the Laurier Heights Community to attend this school. There is space in all grades of our K-9 English program for the 2023-24 school year, and we will accept students from across the city. 

The Laurier Heights Community supports amazing opportunities for all students in both the French and English programs. Even our English students get all of the opportunities that are offered through the French Program such as the grade 9 trip to Quebec and Cabane a sucre.  When your child is in the English Program, they get many of the extra benefits of the alternative French program because we are building a community where all of us belong. 

At Laurier Heights School, we build a rigorous, but also caring and compassionate, exceptional school experience where all students can be safe, be kind and do their best. 



Extra Information French Immersion K-9

Our K-9 French Immersion Program accepts students from across the city. For 2023-24, we are accepting new students in Kindergarten and grade 1. We also accept students with a French immersion background into grades 2-9. We are the designated school for French Immersion students from Rio Terrace Elementary School. 

The student experience at Laurier Heights School is second to none with a history of academic and athletic excellence (we are also building towards artistic excellence for the 2023-24 school year). Students here grow up in a safe learning environment that teaches our children to take their studies seriously, while also caring for the whole child. This school has what you are looking for in a positive school experience plus an immersive francophone culture and education. 

Sois prudent, sois gentil et fais de ton mieux!

Take a look at the transportation map as yellow bus transportation is available for all students who live within the boundary. 


2023-2024 Supply Lists

Laurier Heights School is  excited to offer the opportunity to purchase quality standardized school supplies through School Start for the 2023/2024 school year.


Click on the following:

- Parents Shop Here

- Purchase School Supply Kits

- Select Province, then City, then School

- Click Here to Purchase Your School Kits

- Lastly, they click on their grade


2023-2024 SUPPLY LISTS 

Grade 1/2 English 23/24

Grade 1 French 23/24

Grade 2 French 23/24

Grade 3/4 English 23/24

Grade 3 French 23/24

Grade 4 French 23/24

Grade 5 & 6 English & French 23/24

Extensions 23/24

Junior High 23/24