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Parent Groups

PAC: Parents’ Advisory Council 

PAC at Laurier School is the advisory group that works closely with administration to advocate for a safe and inclusive school community through transparent communication, where every student’s potential is fostered. Every parent or guardian of a student at Laurier School is automatically a voting member of PAC and is welcomed and encouraged to attend our PAC meetings to discuss and vote on the issues we are looking to address. After discussion with the membership, PAC votes on financial recommendations that are then forwarded to PAL. PAC is governed by the Alberta Schools Act.

PAL: Parents Association of Laurier

PAL is the arm that oversees the financial operations of the parent group. Because our parent group hosts a fundraising casino every second year, we are legally obligated to have a separate entity that controls the bank account for casino funds. As such, PAL is a registered charity that is governed by the Alberta Societies Act. PAL oversees both our Casino bank account, along with our general bank account (funds raised through means other than the casino, such as the Entertainment Books, and so forth).

Laurier Heights School PAC is on Facebok and Twitter.